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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Dubrovnik in June

On Monday, June 6, Val and I flew to Dubrovnik.  We stayed until Thursday.  The highlight, again, was the wall.  We saw a few things that I hadn't seen with Tim, including the Franciscan and Dominican monasteries and the aquarium.  The Franciscan monastery houses a pharmacy opened in 1317.  We also took a boat trip which will be the subject of another post.

A cautionary note for those of you thinking of visiting Dubrovnik -- it was much more crowded than in April.  The buses stream in and drop groups who crowd around a guide carrying a sign on a pole.  As the ameba-like blobs of people flow around the city, an observer is struck by the cacophony of languages being spoken -- French, Italian, Japanese and English being the predominate ones.  Fortunately, most of them clear out by sunset.

Enjoy the slide show.

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