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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Apartment Hunting 101

On my first day in Zagreb, I thought I had found THE apartment.  It was next to the central market (Dolac).

Steps to Dolac

The central market is above the square named after, and dominated by, a statute of Ban (Viceroy) Jossip Jelacic, who help the Austrians defeat the Hungarians in 1848.

Despite his efforts, the Croatians failed to win autonomy from Austria. The statute was dismantled during Tito's rule and resurrected after independence. The square is the center of activity in Zagreb. The tram lines converge there. The market is there. There is a pedestrian area full of shops, restaurants and cafes.

March 8, 2011
It is hard to overstate the importance of cafe life here. Numerous folks have told me that all important business is conducted in cafes, which serve strong coffee, great cappuccino, wine and beer, but no food. I have been amazed that the outdoor cafes are full, even in temperatures barely above freezing.

So, losing the apartment because the landlord got greedy was a bit of disappointment.  Fortunately, I found another place the next day.  Three tram stops from the central square but quiet with a great view.  Best of all, there is a great cafe just down the block.


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